Saturday, November 30, 2013

Spelling List #11

SPELLING LIST #11 ('oi & oy' words)

  1. oil
  2. soil
  3. coin
  4. joint
  5. spoil
  6. moist
  7. join
  8. boy
  9. toy
  10. enjoy


  • little
  • what
  • when

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Parts of the body games

Review the parts of the body playing these games. Have fun!

Practice and play with the spelling list 10

Click on the image to practice the spelling list #10



Content objectives

1. Identifying main organs and basic functions: bones, muscles and joints.
2. Learning about the skeleton and its functions.
3. Understanding what joints are and their purpose.
4. Interpreting anatomical diagrams.

5. Identifying characteristics of bones and muscles.
6. Understanding what muscles are for and how they work.
7. Distinguishing voluntary muscles from involuntary muscles.

8. Associating different movements with the muscle used.
9. Recognising the importance of sports and physical exercise.

  Language objectives
  1. Giving definitions: A voluntary movement is ... An involuntary movement is ... A joint is a place where ...
  2. Impersonal statements: The skeleton is made up of ... Bones are joined together.
  3. Describing possession: our skin; their movements
  4. Expressing contrast: However, ...
  5. Expressing functions: We use ... to raise / to bend ...
  6. Explaining how a movement occurs (reflexive pronouns): by itself; by themselves

  • Bones and muscles: characteristics and names of main ones
  • Body movements: voluntary and involuntary
  • The skeleton: parts and functions
  • Joints: location
  • How muscles work and movement
  • Distinguish between voluntary and involuntary movements
  • Interpret anatomical diagrams and apply the new vocabulary correctly
  • Explain how muscles work
Interest in developing good habits for taking care of the skeleton and muscles

Assessment criteria
Distinguishing between voluntary movements and involuntary movements.
Knowing the characteristics of bones and muscles and how they work together.
Naming some bones and muscles.
Interpreting anatomical diagrams.
Developing healthy habits for bones, muscles and joints.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Spelling List #10

SPELLING LIST #10 ('ou & ow' words)

  1. out
  2. cloud
  3. mouth
  4. loud
  5. south
  6. cow
  7. down
  8. brown
  9. owl
  10. clown


  • live
  • give
  • only
  • old

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Practice Spelling List 9 online

In this web site you can practice the spelling words, test yourself, play games and print the words.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Spelling List #9

SPELLING LIST #9 ('oo' words)

  1. moon
  2. tooth
  3. food
  4. boot
  5. spoon
  6. roof
  7. good
  8. book
  9. look
  10. wood


  • one
  • by
  • like
  • have

Thursday, November 14, 2013

How the ear works

In this website you can learn about the ear and the hearing. Just read the instructions.

Learn more about the sight

See All You Can See is the US National Eye Institute's website for kids. Here you will find different activities to learn the parts of the eye and about the sight in general: matching games, word search, printable, videos, etc.

How do we see?

Here is another website where you can learn how the eye works.
