Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Water Cycle


  1. 1  From the oceans to the clouds 
    Water is continually moving around the Earth. This causes the water cycle.
    The water cycle begins when water from the oceans, lakes and rivers heats up and evaporates to form water vapor. Water vapour passes into the cold atmosphere. The cold temperature makes the water vapour cool down and condenseCondensed water in the atmosphere turns into tiny water droplets and forms cloudsClouds move across the sky with the wind.

  2. 2  From the clouds to the land
    As clouds move across the sky, the tiny water droplets in the clouds join together to form larger drops. These large drops of water fall to the land as rainWhen rain freezes, it falls to the land as snow or hail.

  3. 3  From the land to the sea
    When rain falls on the land, it forms streams. Streams flow into rivers. Rivers flow into seas and oceans. When snow melts, it flows into the streams and rivers and finally reaches the sea. Sometimes, rainwater and melted snow sink deep into the ground to form aquifers. Water from wells and springs comes from aquifers. 

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